Goodwill Central Texas

The Excel Center: Your journey to graduation is tailored to you with support from the Excel team. A Life Coach will assist you in determining credits needed and developing a workable school plan.  Day and evening classes with hybrid learning options for some students so you can work at your own pace. A Four-Term Calendar enables you to enroll at multiple points in the year with four, ten-week terms to support a busy adult student.

For more information see their website at: Facebook: Call; 512.531.5500 Email:


WIOA Youth Career Services: Offers career training and support to secure a job. Students earn certifications in their field of study and connections with employers in their new career field. Services provided include career training, paid internships, job search assistance, resume writing and job interview prep, and college preparation.  

For more information on available training programs, see: or Call: (512) 637-7100