
American YouthWorks Logo

YouthBuild: Service-Learning Academy combines occupational skills training and academic instruction with community service projects. YouthBuild students enroll in the no cost, on-site high school to complete their diploma or obtain a GED while participating in one of the four training tracks. For most participants half of the day is spent in high school diploma or HSE classes, while the other half of the day is spent learning a trade, combining certification classes with hands-on training.

a. Ages: 16-24

b. Education: High School Diploma/GED Not Required

c. Income Eligibility: Low Income

d. Support Services: Counseling & Case Management; Mental Health Services; Transportation Assistance; Child Care Assistance; Tools; Safety Equipment; Guidance to Employment and Additional Education Opportunities; Stipend for attendance and participation

Goodwill Excel Center: A free public school where you can earn a high school diploma and complete training for a career.

a. Age: 18 and older

b. Income Eligibility: None

c. Support Services: transportation Assistance; Child Care Assistance; and Life Coaching

WIOA Youth Career Services:  Free career training opportunities. Services provided include career training, paid internships, job search assistance, resume writing, job interview prep, and college preparation.  

a. Age: 16-24

b. Education: High School Diploma/GED required for some trainings

c. Income Eligibility: Low-income

d. Support Services: Transportation Assistance and Career Coaching

LifeWorks offers a system of support for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness, youth aging out of foster care, young parents, and youth involved with the juvenile justice system. Education and workforce programs provide literacy and GED test preparation classes, connections to other area training opportunities, workforce placement, and critical workplace skill-building support.

a. Age: 16-24

b. Education: High School Diploma/GED Not Required

c. Income Eligibility: Low-income

d. Support Services: Transportation Assistance; Housing; Counseling; Peer Support;

Austin Area Urban League coordinates a Young Adult Reentry Partnership to provide education and training services to improve the employment outcomes for young adults involved in the criminal justice system.

a: Age 18-24

b. High School Diploma/GED Not Required

c. Income Eligibility: Low Income

d. Support Services: Case Management